PU Alumni Portal

PU Alumni

Alumni Spotlight

Feb 19, 2024

”My journey began at PU, where I laid the groundwork...

”My journey began at PU, where I laid the groundwork for my career with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering. This foundation was further solidified with a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering from the Technical University of Nürnberg, Germany.

Today, I am a Site Engineer at DB Engineering and Consulting, one of the world’s leading transportation companies. This role in Germany has sharpened my professional abilities and expanded my outlook, empowering me to handle intricate projects with a high degree of professionalism and efficiency.

Phoenicia University was instrumental in equipping me for my Master’s degree and the professional realm. It cultivated a collaborative research atmosphere, offered rigorous courses, and provided mentorship from a diverse group of faculty members. These experiences fostered my critical thinking skills and independent research capabilities.

Consequently, I have evolved into a self-assured and informed researcher, primed to navigate the complexities of life.’’ – Zahraa Hreibi – Class of 2020

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